

Communion is an opportunity to celebrate and participate in Jesus’ victorious, saving work on the cross. Think of the meal as a doorway through which God brings us into his presence and enters into ours.  Through his death, which we proclaim at the table, Jesus made a way for us to dwell with God and abide in Christ.

Communion is perhaps the most precious tool Jesus gave to his followers. It gives us a tangible way to see, touch, smell, and taste him. It reminds us that he came not as an intangible spirit, but as a flesh-and-blood human being. Communion demonstrates the gospel - it is a sign of Jesus’ self-giving death for us.

Communion also brings us together. It is the feast of our King, but it is not reserved for the rich and powerful.  Jesus said, “all who are thirsty, come and drink.” He offers himself as the bread of life, as living water, and anyone who comes to him in faith may participate.


We invite elementary-aged kids back into the “big room” for communion on the second Sunday of every month. If you would like your younger kids to join, please let us know.

If your children have been baptized, we encourage you to invite them to participate in communion.  It is critical, however, that you as a parent explain the bread and the cup to your child. Jesus gave his life for them, which means one day they will feast with Jesus in eternal joy. Don’t let that reality become an empty ritual.

If your children have not been baptized because you are waiting until they decide, the consistent practice with communion is to wait until after they have been baptized. We encourage all children with at least one believing parent to be baptized, and then to participate in this feast! Talk to pastor Mike or one of the elders if you’d like to take this step with your family.  We offer baptism on the last Sunday of the odd months.


The first place to go is to the Bible. Some of the great passages on Baptism are Matthew 3:12-17 (the baptism of Jesus), Matthew 28:18-20 (Jesus’ great commission where he commands his followers to baptize), John 13:1-11 (where Jesus washes his disciples’ feet), Acts 2:37-42 (the first mass baptism of believers), Acts 16:16-34, and Romans 6:1-14.

Some of the great passages on Communion are Matthew 26:20-30; Luke 22:14-23; 6:25-59; 7:37-39; John 15; 1 Corinthians 10:14-22; 11:17-34; and Revelation 19:1-10.

Another great resource is the Westminster Confession of Faith, chs. 27-29. Finally, we recommend a small book called Infant Baptism: What Christian Parents Should Know by John P. Sartelle.

For those interested in how baptism and communion fit into our larger goals, the book You Are What You Love, by James K.A. Smith, has been a very important guide for LCC.